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If some companies encourage customers to co-design better products, then why not buddy up with friends to co-create better lives?

Here’s a “Me2We” approach to keeping your new year’s resolutions …

• Enjoy keeping your word re your goals for next year.

• Deepen a friendship through supporting the best in each other.

• Become a major co-author of the (along with God and/or the collective unconscious where we bump into and affect each other) of next chapter of your life story – with others.

• Stick to your plan – and support your buddy in doing so too.

Our steps to sticking to our resolutions:

1. Find a buddy you like and respect and share your resolutions with each other. (That will spur you to write them down in the first place.)

2. Then agree on the regular times (every Tuesday, first Monday of each month, noon each day?) that you will compare notes and keep each other accountable.

3. Talk by phone as it will be more palpably personal than sending emails to each other.

4. Plan celebrations and rewards. What will you do to celebrate at the halfway mark (June 30th) and in late December 2008?

5. Write and share your resolutions for 2009. By that time you will know each other much better. In your buddy and in yourself, you’ll recognize excuses, weaknesses, strengths, ways to get motivated and much more.

Help each other with this advice from Dr. Roy Baumeister: control your blood sugar levels, laugh more and actively thinking of your positive outcomes. To get started notice what’s “most popular” and then see Modern Worker’s resolutions and add your own as I did. Ah the benefits of a thoughtful buddy. Re-reading MW’s I realize that mine need to be more specific. Here’s to more buddy up living in 2008.

moving from me to we


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