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Over fifty million people in the United States are Cultural Creatives. This cluster was labeled by Sherry Anderson and Paul Ray. They believe it began to emerge just fifty years ago. Two thirds of the group are women. In their book they noted that Cultural Creatives, “substantially outnumber social and financial conservatives … and are even more numerous in Europe.”

This Fall, discover more about this group and how they (us?) are changing the world in which we live. That’s when Ray and Jim Garrison announce the results of their U.S. study and launch their book and film. Similar studies are under way in France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy and Japan. I feel privileged to live close to several of the people conducting this work. I’d love to moderate a conversation on how human beliefs and behavior are evolving, one that included Ray or Garrision along with Richard Florida, Marcus Buckingham, Marty Seligman and Norman Doidge.

moving from me to we


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