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Eighth grader, Talia Leman recruited other kids to trick-or-treat for coins for Katrina victims.  After appearing on The Today Show she raised $10 million. Next step?  Make it scalable. Like any social entrepreneur, she found a complementary partner to help other students replicate her success.  At her site Random Kid young people can organize their own campaigns for a favorite cause. 

Enabling others to evoke the power of collective action is mighty popular. Grobanites learned the same thrilling lesson.

What template have you used to reduce the number of steps it takes for like-minded people to join forces to support a cause, reform a company or make something more valuable, accessible, affordable or efficient for more people?

“I have learned that anyone is someone. I allow myself to think big, and then I take all the small steps to get there, one after the other, never stopping. When I hit an obstacle, I see it as a wrong-way sign and head a new way.” – Talia Leman

moving from me to we


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