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Edith Yeung landed in the U.S. from Hong Kong and has not stopped for breath since she arrived. She’s living her version of the Asian American dream, extremely inter-connected (Asian) and self-reliant (American). She’s crafted several ways to find mentors and colleagues and to encourage other young Asian immigrants to do the same. After finding success as a high tech executive in Silicon Valley, she left corporate life, moved to a lively neighborhood in S.F., volunteered to lead several local support groups, some for entrepreneurs and is laying the ground work with a partner to launch a new venture. Edith and her partner have spent several months creating the systems to make every part of their business run smoothly.Seth Godin, Edith Yeung

This “go slow to go fast” approach has enabled Edith and her partner to confirm that they:
• do share common values
• can work together in ways that play to their strengths,
• can recognize tasks they can sub-contract out and to whom

Also, if you want to create a close-knit community around your work, cause or personal interest, hear Edith (on this podcast) describe the format she uses for the mutual-support meetings she leads. Each month she attracts a crowd of around 100. Then discover more ways to host lively meetings of people who share your interests.

moving from me to we


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